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Take a closer look at some of the interesting new ways that data is transforming the world around us. We’re talking driverless cars, space telescopes, and blockbuster hits, as well as the questions about ethics surrounding Big Data, AI, and Machine Learning.

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OCTOBER 13, 2023 by Wim Stoop

By the end of 2022, the world produced and consumed a staggering 94 zettabytes of data in just 12 months. That almost unimaginable number is only expected to continue to grow as a result of the increased adoption of Internet of Things (IoT)…

OCTOBER 11, 2023 by Cindy Maike

Every day a new drug remains in development is another day patients are waiting for the health benefits of the treatment — with often life-changing and even lifesaving results…

SEPTEMBER 20, 2023 by Shayde Christian

It’s a strange paradox that though every company relies heavily on technology nowadays, most organizations fail their digital transformations. Is the technology to blame? Many analysts agree that the secret to success is in the right team, strategy, agility, and mindset…

SEPTEMBER 11, 2023 by Shayde Christian

It’s a given that every company is fueled through technology now. Business success depends on how well an organization leverages data, how it adapts to changes, which technology stack it chooses, and how fast it digitizes…

AUGUST 30, 2023 by Pedro Pereira

Beware of the Marvel Cinematic Universe spoilers in the following paragraph. In the season finale of She-Hulk, we see Jen break the fourth wall and follow her fighting inside of Marvel Studios for a better ending…

AUGUST 15, 2023 by Monique Hessling & Joe Rodriguez

As new privacy regulations are implemented around the world, organizations need well-defined data governance strategies to ensure compliance. Data governance deals with the policies and procedures that ensure accountability, accuracy, and security in all things data…

JULY 26, 2023 by Grace Dobush

Handling the massive amounts of data created by autonomous vehicles in real-world scenarios takes a village. In the past five years, great strides have been made in advancing the advanced driver assistance technology, deep learning, and communication protocols required for fully autonomous vehicles…

JUNE 21, 2023 by Grace Dobush

As organizations ramp up their efforts to be truly data-driven, the rate at which they collect data continues to grow. However, many have struggled to gain actionable insights from this data due to the volume and variability they’re forced to contend with, which has proven difficult to manage using existing data warehouses and data lake architectures…

JUNE 5, 2023 by Navita Sood

As organizations ramp up their efforts to be truly data-driven, the rate at which they collect data continues to grow. However, many have struggled to gain actionable insights from this data due to the volume and variability they’re forced to contend with, which has proven difficult to manage using existing data warehouses and data lake architectures…

MARCH 31, 2023 by Ganesh Hegde

After years of infighting and inaction, the U.S. Congress finally has pulled itself together to produce three major pieces of legislation bolstering IT, data, and infrastructure that have either passed—or will pass—at the federal level within a span of 12 months. This is fantastic news for the entire nation, but it is especially important for enterprise data and analytics leaders…

FEBRUARY 14, 2023 by Chris J. Preimesberger

New and inventive uses of AI/ML in online apps and services, 5G connectivity, 3D graphics, automation, data privacy and protection, and the coming metaverse are all changing everything rapidly. There are lots of theories about what digital life will look like 10 to 50 years from now, and we'll examine some of the more intriguing ones…

FEBRUARY 1, 2023 by Chris J. Preimesberger

This time window encompasses when the internet was taking hold in 1993, through when pre-cloud ASPs were coming to the fore in 1998, to the end of Web 2.0 in 2019…

JANUARY 11, 2023 by Chris J. Preimesberger

Interviews with early creators of the internet and WWW about the foundational key technology of the great information highway…

DECEMBER 8, 2022 by Pedro Pereira

The Internet of Things (IoT) has immense transformational potential. Just about any company can identify opportunities for IoT-driven changes across its operations. The trick is to decide where to begin…

NOVEMBER 30, 2022 by Pedro Pereira

The Internet of Things (IoT) has immense transformational potential. Just about any company can identify opportunities for IoT-driven changes across its operations. The trick is to decide where to begin…

NOVEMBER 16, 2022 by Pedro Pereira

The first thing to know about the Internet of Things (IoT) is this: It doesn’t just connect machines and devices; it connects them with people. Currently, IoT networks offer varying levels of automation. But in most cases, people are at the receiving end of the data collected by IoT devices…

SEPTEMBER 1, 2022 by Rob Carey

In the digital age, organizations put a lot of effort into generating, capturing, and organizing data. After all, any meaningful outcome we expect from automation, artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR), and any other advanced technology boils down to how well we can manage data…

AUGUST 15, 2022 by Cindy Maike

Depending on who you ask, the phrase “big data” evokes a sense of opportunity, fear, or confusion. It’s clear that data collection is an invaluable tool for learning about customer preferences and developing groundbreaking products…

JULY 12, 2022 by Elizabeth Howell, Ph.D

At a distance of a million miles from Earth, the James Webb Space Telescope is pushing the edge of data transfer capabilities. The observatory launched Dec. 25 2021 on a mission to look at the early universe, at exoplanets, and at other objects of celestial interest…

MAY 18, 2022 by Chris Royles

The term “AI-first” has received its share of attention lately, especially in the boardroom where strategies to gain a competitive advantage are always welcome. But before a company embarks on an AI-first strategy, it pays to understand what it is and how it will transform the organization…

MAY 4, 2022 by Chris Royles

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been a focus for research for decades, but has only recently become truly viable. The availability and maturity of automated data collection and analysis systems is making it possible for businesses to implement AI across their entire operations to boost efficiency and agility…

APRIL 13, 2022 by Chris Royles

The term “AI-first” has received its share of attention lately, especially in the boardroom where strategies to gain a competitive advantage are always welcome. But before a company embarks on an AI-first strategy, it pays to understand what it is and how it will transform the organization…

MARCH 30, 2022 by Santiago Giraldo

Sometimes it takes a billion-dollar mistake to bring the murkier side of data ethics into sharp focus.

Equifax found this out to their own cost in 2017 when they failed to protect the data of almost 150 million users globally. The catastrophic breach was bad enough on its own — but Equifax waited three months to go public with the news…

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