ClouderaNOW  Learn about the latest innovations in dataanalytics, and AI   |   April 9

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Cloudera University's free video training sessions are an excellent introduction to the core concepts underlying the Apache Hadoop ecosystem and big data analytics. The online modules, taught by industry-leading Hadoop experts, are also a great refresher to Cloudera's live training courses and preparation for Cloudera certification exams.

I am really impressed by Cloudera's online offerings. The range of material is remarkable and the professional, informative, and fun manner in which it is presented is top notch. It is a wonderful resource for anyone learning Hadoop. 

Resources for Developers

Are you new to Hadoop and need to start processing data fast and effectively? Do you require certification to advance your role into Hadoop? Cloudera University's e-learning courses present a deeper dive into the projects, skills, and techniques that aid and complement the core topics covered by the developer learning path.

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developers in front of a computer
Administrator in front of a computer

Resources for Administrators

Have you been playing with CDH and are ready to move on to development or production supporting a use case? Do you need to get certified on Hadoop to switch jobs? Cloudera University's e-learning courses present a deeper dive into the projects, skills, and techniques that aid and complement the core topics covered by the administrator learning path.

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Resources for Data Analysts

Do you want to query big data sets with SQL? Do you aspire to become a data scientist? Cloudera University's e-learning courses present a deeper dive into the projects, skills, and techniques that aid and complement the core topics covered by the data analyst learning path.

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Data analyst in front of a computer

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