ClouderaNOW  Learn about the latest innovations in dataanalytics, and AI   |   April 9

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Without the right data management strategy, investments in Internet of Things (IoT) can yield limited results. Apache Hadoop has emerged as a key architectural component that can help make sense of IoT data, enabling never before seen data products and solutions. Join us for this Cloudera webinar as we explore cross-industry trends driven by IoT, data architecture strategies for managing the sheer volume of data, and how to build comprehensive, secure solutions that will deliver immediate results.  In this webinar Vijay Raja, Solution Marketing Lead at Cloudera, will talk about the data explosion triggered by IoT and walks through the key segments and use cases for IoT today. Afterwards, Amy O'Connor, Big Data Evangelist at Cloudera, will introduce some of key attributes to look for in a data management platform for IoT, highlight a generic IoT reference architecture and walk thru some of the key IoT customer case studies.

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