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How can organizations manage IoT vast amounts of data, from edge to cloud, to gain insights and drive transformation in the post-Covid era? IoT is emerging as a key part of enterprise plans to manage the Covid-19 crisis. In the short term, IoT is helping companies to respond to crisis with a variety of use cases that meet needs of the new environment, such as safety monitoring systems or cutting costs through increased efficiency. In the longer term, as the economy recovers, companies will need to focus on more comprehensive digitalization strategies that give them advantages in the post-Covid era. Cloud-based IoT platforms can take the complexity out of these solutions, enabling enterprises to gain the full benefits of advanced IoT solutions in a way that is secure, scalable and adaptable for future development. Find out how enterprises are succeeding with IoT by using cloud-based IoT platforms to handle the complexity of full-scale IoT deployments and deliver business value in both the short and long term.

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