ClouderaNOW  Learn about the latest innovations in dataanalytics, and AI   |   April 9

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Wish there were an “easy button” to help you solve unique business challenges by extracting insights from your data? Now there is.

Learn how Cloudera and Red Hat deliver a hybrid data cloud architecture to public sector customers looking to securely run business-critical applications anywhere. We will demonstrate how Cloudera Data Platform (CDP) Private Cloud on OpenShift aggregates and visualizes data to deliver actionable insights in a secure, Open Source environment, whether on-premises or in a hybrid cloud environment so that agencies can:
  • Streamline governance with a simplified, single pane of glass to manage the full lifecycle
  • Experience the cost efficient scalability of the cloud coupled with the security of on premise deployment
  • Avoid vendor lock-in and keep your data on premises, and maintain the ability to move into a public cloud to burst workloads when needed. Our experts will explain how to implement better data-driven processes and streamline your IT operations, so you can start exploring how this integration will improve your business.

Ready to Get Started? Let’s Connect.

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