Cloudera Cloudera


You’re smart enough to build your own data platform, and you’re smart enough to recognize the challenges of supporting enterprise-grade production at scale.

Enjoy peace of mind with enterprise-ready CDP, and focus on delivering
ground-breaking insights with your data. 

Imagine if Cloudera’s 800+ engineers, 200+ committers, and 500+ support experts worked for your data platform.

  • Risk reduction
  • Cost control
  • Agility & performance
  • Innovation

Trade in the challenges ... and reap the rewards

Maintaining multiple open source project integrations

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Avoiding/minimizing downtime

Keeping up with security patches to protect your data

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Frequent release of security patches, with 50 - 100 patches per release

Enduring the shortcomings of outdated platform architectures

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Future-proofing your data with modern data architectures and hybrid cloud


Resolving production issues in a timely manner

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Relying on Cloudera for 24x7 support

Trade in the challenges ... and reap the rewards

Building, maintaining, and supporting your own data platform

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Deploying an fully integrated, turnkey, enterprise platform

Finding and retaining staff with knowledge of the ecosystem and the skills to maintain it

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Offloading the burden of retaining extensive platform expertise

Paying a premium for less efficient data processing and lower density storage

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Saving 7x cost with a Cloudera subscription

Trade in the challenges ... and reap the rewards

Lacking the ability to scale hardware efficiently

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Scaling and optimizing compute and storage independently for improved utilization and cost effectiveness

Exploding data volumes are difficult to support in a cost effective manner

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Leveraging the flexibility of hybrid cloud and modern data architectures lets you respond to and meet changing business needs

Trade in the challenges ... and reap the rewards

Enduring the slow uptake of new features

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Depending on a large engineering team dedicated to developing and adding new innovations and enterprise features

Needing to test open source projects before integrating with our stack

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Adopting rigorously tested features and integrations with confidence

Upgrading platform without impacting downstream business users

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Relying on the expertise of a large contributor to Apache open source projects


7x more cost effective

Running on Cloudera is more cost effective
than self-supporting.


20% lower downtime

Minimize your downtime with Cloudera
enterprise support.


35% lower time to resolution

Rely on Cloudera to resolve issues much faster
than the open source community.


eMAG shifts to Cloudera to deliver unparalleled business value

eMAG is a fast-growing European online marketplace and e-commerce company, providing its customers with a convenient and reliable online shopping experience. eMAG successfully migrated their self-supported data platform to CDP in under 48 hours to support their exponential data growth with an enterprise-ready platform and enterprise-level support. 

As a small BI department preferring to invest most of our resources in delivering business value rather than maintaining a big data platform, Cloudera has helped level the playing field.

–Laurentiu Matei, Business Intelligence Director, eMAG


LINE reaps benefits of Cloudera to accelerate data-driven journey

LINE is a popular global communications platform app that provides messaging, social media, digital payments, gaming, and e-commerce solutions for its customers. LINE transitioned their self-supported data platform to Cloudera, leveraging enterprise support and reaping the benefits of modernized, future-proofed technology stack across its AI business and Data Science & Engineering Center (DSEC) to accelerate its data-driven journey.


Under the hood

At Cloudera, we believe in the power of open source. That's why we've built our feature-rich Open Data Lakehouse, using best-of-breed Apache open source projects.  Our architecture is based on open standards with wide community adoption in mind.

Enhance business value with Cloudera Long Term Support

Focus on driving insight and value from data, spend less time upgrading and regression-testing technology, and reap greater value from your investment. Cloudera’s Long Term Support model lets you confidently move to the next stable version of Cloudera Data Platform while maintaining security and performance throughout the process.

Ready to get started?
Let’s connect.


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