In this article, we will walk you through the process of implementing fine grained access control for the data governance framework within the Cloudera platform. This will allow a data office to implement access policies over metadata management assets like tags or classifications, business glossaries, and data catalog entities, laying the foundation for comprehensive data access control.
In a good data governance strategy, it is important to define roles that allow the business to limit the level of access that users can have to their strategic data assets. Traditionally we see three main roles in a data governance office:
Within the Cloudera platform, whether deployed on premises or using any of the leading public cloud providers, the Cloudera Shared Data Experience (SDX) ensures consistency of all things data security and governance. SDX is a fundamental part of any deployment and relies on two key open source projects to provide its data management functionality: Apache Atlas provides a scalable and extensible set of core governance services, while Apache Ranger enables, monitors, and manages comprehensive security for both data and metadata.
In this article we will explain how to implement a fine grained access control strategy using Apache Ranger by creating security policies over the metadata management assets stored in Apache Atlas.
In this article we will take the example of a data governance office that wants to control access to metadata objects in the company’s central data repository. This allows the organization to comply with government regulations and internal security policies. For this task, the data governance team started by looking at the finance business unit, defining roles and responsibilities for different types of users in the organization.
In this example, there are three different users that will allow us to show the different levels of permissions that can be assigned to Apache Atlas objects through Apache Ranger policies to implement a data governance strategy with the Cloudera platform:
Note that it would be just as easy to create additional roles and levels of access, if required. As you will see as we work through the example, the framework provided by Apache Atlas and Apache Ranger is extremely flexible and customizable.
First, a set of initial metadata objects are created by the data steward. These will allow the finance team to search for relevant assets as part of their day-to-day activities:
NOTE: The creation of the business metadata attributes is not included in the blog but the steps can be followed here.
Then, in order to control the access to the data assets related to the finance business unit, a set of policies need to be implemented with the following conditions:
The finance data curator <etl_user> should only be allowed to:
The finance data consumer <joe_analyst> should only be allowed to:
In the following section, the process for implementing these policies will be explained in detail.
In order to meet the business needs outlined above, we will demonstrate how access policies in Apache Ranger can be configured to secure and control metadata assets in Apache Atlas. For this purpose we used a public AMI image to set up a Cloudera Data Platform environment with all SDX components. The process of setting up the environment is explained in this article.
Classifications are part of the core of Apache Atlas. They are one of the mechanisms provided to help organizations find, organize, and share their understanding of the data assets that drive business processes. Crucially, classifications can “propagate” between entities according to lineage relationships between data assets. See this page for more details on propagation.
To control access to classifications, our admin user, in the role of data steward, must perform the following steps:
The first thing you will see are the default Atlas policies (note 1). Apache Ranger allows specification of access policies as both “allow” rules and “deny” rules. However, it is a recommended good practice in all security contexts to apply the “principle of least privilege”: i.e., deny access by default, and only allow access on a selective basis. This is a much more secure approach than allowing access to everyone, and only denying or excluding access selectively. Therefore, as a first step, you should verify that the default policies don’t grant blanket access to the users we are seeking to restrict in this example scenario.Then, you can create the new policies (eg. remove the public access of the default policies by creating a deny policy; note 2) and finally you will see that the newly created policies will appear at the bottom of the section (note 3).
Finally, you need to define the permissions that you want to grant on the policy and the groups and users that are going to be controlled by the policy. In this case, apply the Read Type permission to group: finance and user: joe_analyst and Create Type & Read Type permission to user: etl_user. (note 4)
Now, because they have the Create Type permission for classifications matching FINANCE*, the data curator etl_user can create a new classification tag called “FINANCE_WW” and apply this tag to other entities. This would be useful if a tag-based access policy has been defined elsewhere to provide access to certain data assets.
We can now demonstrate how the classification policy is being enforced over etl_user. This user is only allowed to see classifications that start with the word finance, but he can also create some additional ones for the different teams under that division.
etl_user can create a new classification tag called FINANCE_WW under a parent classification tag FINANCE_BU.
Then, click on the “+” button to create a new classification. (note 2)
(Optional) For this example, you can create an attribute called “country,” which will simply help to organize assets. For convenience you can make this attribute a “string” (a free text) type, although in a live system you would probably want to define an enumeration so that users’ inputs are restricted to a valid set of values.
Now you can click on the toggle button to see the tags in tree mode and you will be able to see the parent/child relationship between both tags.
Click on the classification to view all its details: parent tags, attributes, and assets currently tagged with the classification.
The last step on the Classification authorization process is to validate from the data consumer role that the controls are in place and the policies are applied correctly.
To validate that the policy is applied and that only classifications starting with the word FINANCE can be accessed based on the level of permissions defined in the policy, click on the Classifications tab (note 2) and check the list available. (note 3)
Now, to be able to access the content of the entities (note 4), it is required to give access to the Atlas Entity Type category and to the specific entities with the corresponding level of permissions based on our business requirements. The next section will cover just that.
In this section, we will explain how to protect additional types of objects that exist in Atlas, which are important within a data governance strategy; namely, entities, labels, and business metadata.
Entities in Apache Atlas are a specific instance of a “type” of thing: they are the core metadata object that represent data assets in your platform. For example, imagine you have a data table in your lakehouse, stored in the Iceberg table format, called “sales_q3.” This would be reflected in Apache Atlas by an entity type called “ceberg table,” and an entity named “sales_q3,” a particular instance of that entity type. There are many entity types configured by default in the Cloudera platform, and you can define new ones as well. Access to entity types, and specific entities, can be controlled through Ranger policies.
Labels are words or phrases (strings of characters) that you can associate with an entity and reuse for other entities. They are a light-weight way to add information to an entity so you can find it easily and share your knowledge about the entity with others.
Business metadata are sets of related key-value pairs, defined in advance by admin users (for example, data stewards). They are so named because they are often used to capture business details that can help organize, search, and manage metadata entities. For example, a steward from the marketing department can define a set of attributes for a campaign, and add these attributes to relevant metadata objects. In contrast, technical details about data assets are usually captured more directly as attributes on entity instances. These are created and updated by processes that monitor data sets in the data lakehouse or warehouse, and are not typically customized in a given Cloudera environment.
With that context explained, we will move on to setting policies to control who can add, update, or remove various metadata on entities. We can set fine-grained policies separately for both labels and business metadata, as well as classifications. These policies are defined by the data steward, in order to control activities undertaken by data curators and consumers.
First, it's important to make sure that the users have access to the entity types in the system. This will allow them to filter their search when looking for specific entities.
In the create policy page, define the name and labels as described before. Then, select the type-category “entity”(note 1). Use the wildcard notation (*) (note 2) to denote all entity types, and grant all available permissions to etl_user and joe_analyst.(note 3)
This will enable these users to see all the entity types in the system.
The next step is to allow data consumer joe_analyst to only have read access on the entities that have the finance classification tags. This will limit the objects that he will be able to see on the platform.
In this way, access to specific entities can be controlled using additional metadata objects like classification tags. Atlas provides some other metadata objects that can be used not only to enrich the entities registered in the platform, but also to implement a governance strategy over those objects, controlling who can access and modify them. This is the case for the labels and the business metadata.
As part of the fine grained access control provided by Apache Ranger over Apache Atlas objects, one can create policies that use an entity ID to specify the exact objects to be controlled. In the examples above we have often used the wildcard (*) to refer to “all entities;” below, we will show a more targeted use-case.
In this scenario, we want to create a policy pertaining to data tables which are part of a specific project, named “World Wide Bank.” As a standard, the project owners required that all the tables are stored in a database called “worldwidebank.”
To meet this requirement, we can use one of the entity types pre-configured in Cloudera’s distributions of Apache Atlas, namely “hive_table”. For this entity type, identifiers always begin with the name of the database to which the table belongs. We can leverage that, using Ranger expressions to filter all the entities that belong to the “World Wide Bank” project.
In order to allow finance data consumer joe_analyst to use and access the worldwidebank project entities, the data curator etl_user must tag the entities with the approved classifications and add the required labels and business metadata attributes.
In the top of the screen, you can see the classifications assigned to the entity. In this case there are no tags assigned. We will assign one by clicking on the “+” sign.
That will tag an entity with the selected classification.
To add a label, click “Add” on the labels menu.
To add a business metadata attribute, click “Add” on the business metadata menu.
NOTE: The creation of the business metadata attributes is not included in the blog but the steps can be followed here.
With the “worldwidebank” Hive object tagged with the “FINANCE_WW” classification, the data consumer should be able to have access to it and see the details. Also, it is important to validate that the data consumer also has access to all the other entities tagged with any classification that starts with “finance.”
Click on the classifications tab and validate:
Click on the FINANCE_WW tag and validate the access to the “worldwidebank” hive_db object.
You can see all the details of the asset that where enriched by the finance data curator in previous steps:
In this section, we will explain how a data steward can create policies to allow fine-grained access controls over glossaries and glossary terms. This allows data stewards to control who can access, enrich or modify glossary terms to protect the content from unauthorized access or mistakes.
A glossary provides appropriate vocabularies for business users and it allows the terms (words) to be related to each other and categorized so that they can be understood in different contexts. These terms can be then applied to entities like databases, tables, and columns. This helps abstract the technical jargon associated with the repositories and allows the user to discover and work with data in the vocabulary that is more familiar to them.
Glossaries and terms can also be tagged with classifications. The benefit of this is that, when glossary terms are applied to entities, any classifications on the terms are passed on to the entities as well. From a data governance process perspective, this means that business users can enrich entities using their own terminology, as captured in glossary terms, and that can automatically apply classifications as well, which are a more “technical” mechanism, used in defining access controls, as we have seen.
First, we will show how as a data steward you can create a policy that grants read access to glossary objects with specific words in the name and validate that the data consumer is allowed to access the specific content.
To create a policy to control access to glossaries and terms, you can:
This article has shown how an organization can implement a fine grained access control strategy over the data governance components of the Cloudera platform, leveraging both Apache Atlas and Apache Ranger, the fundamental and integral components of SDX. Although most organizations have a mature approach to data access, control of metadata is typically less well defined, if considered at all. The insights and mechanisms shared in this article can help implement a more complete approach to data as well as metadata governance. The approach is critical in the context of a compliance strategy where data governance components play a critical role.
You can learn more about SDX here; or, we would love to hear from you to discuss your specific data governance needs.
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