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Cloudera Week of Giving Recap

Debbie Kruger Headshot
Hand reaching into the light

500 Clouderans engaged, 1.3K hours volunteered, $93,000 donated and more!

This November, Cloudera hosted its annual Week of Giving  – a dedicated time each year for employees to come together as a community – to engage with one another and to make a positive impact in our society.

From Sao Paolo to Seattle, London to Shanghai, nearly 500 Clouderans participated, supporting causes meaningful to them. Together, we supported 345 nonprofit organizations – donating over 1,300 volunteer hours and $93,000.

“Participating in Week of Giving was one of the best moments of this year, being able to connect with other colleagues while doing something meaningful outside of our day to day job.”

Take a look at some of the highlights from throughout the week:

Giving back is an integral part of Cloudera’s culture. In addition to Week of Giving, we are proud to match employee donations, incentivize volunteering  and cultivate a network of global volunteer ambassadors to ensure we carry the momentum of Week of Giving throughout the year.

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