Scenario 1:
E.g. DataFlow Function f1 is executed 10 times per day and runs for 6 seconds each time it is invoked. Since this falls into the first invocation bucket of 1-1000 monthly invocations, the following calculates the billable invocations:
Daily costs: 10 invocations * 6 seconds = 60 billable invocations → 60*$0.1 = $6.00
Scenario 2:
The pricing tiers work based on the function per month. If f1 is executed 1000 times in the first month (Cloudera billing cycle 2/26/22-3/25/2022) and still runs for 6 seconds, the total billable invocations for this month are 6000. This function now spans two pricing tiers, therefore the calculation is:
Cost for f1 in month 1: 1000 * $0.1 + 5000 * $0.02 = $200
If there is an additional function f2 which gets invoked 600 times per month for 2 seconds each, it will add additional cost.
Cost for f2 in month 1: 1000 * $0.1 + 200* $0.02 = $104
It’s important to note that the tiered pricing applies on a function level and not on a customer level.
Entering month 2 (billing cycle 3/26/2022 - 4/25/2022), the customer continues to execute f1 resulting in 1000 invocations with each invocation running for 10 seconds. This results in 10000 (1000*10) billable invocations. Since pricing tiers reset every billing cycle, the cost for f1 in month two is:
Cost for f1 in month 2: 1000 * $0.1 + 9000 * $0.02 = $280