ClouderaNOW  Learn about the latest innovations in dataanalytics, and AI   |   April 9

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Cloudera on premises

The industry’s most powerful, comprehensive data management and analytics platform for on-premises IT environments. 

Cloudera Data Flow

The industry’s most powerful, comprehensive data management and analytics platform for on-premises IT environments. 

Cloudera Streaming Community Edition

A readily available, dockerized deployment of Apache Kafka and Apache Flink that lets you test the features and capabilities of Cloudera Streaming. Includes Flink, Kafka, Kafka Connect, SQL Stream Builder, Streams Messaging Manager, and Schema Registry.

Apache Spark 3

Apache Spark 3 is a new major release of the Apache Spark project, with notable improvements in its API, performance, and stream processing capabilities.  In addition, CDS 3 includes all new integration with Nvidia RAPIDS and UDX for GPU based acceleration providing unprecedented speed up of ETL.

Cloudera Workload XM

Workload XM proactively assists, de-risks, and advises Cloudera Platform users at every phase of your data-intensive application lifecycle.

Protect your data at all costs

Scrimping on security & compliance isn’t worth it.

Database Drivers

The Cloudera ODBC and JDBC Drivers for Hive and Impala enable your enterprise users to access Hadoop data through Business Intelligence (BI) applications with ODBC/JDBC support.

Hive ODBC Driver Downloads
Hive JDBC Driver Downloads
Impala ODBC Driver Downloads
Impala JDBC Driver Downloads

Oracle Instant Client

The Oracle Instant Client parcel for Hue enables Hue to be quickly and seamlessly deployed by Cloudera Manager with Oracle as its external database. For customers who have standardized on Oracle, this eliminates extra steps in installing or moving a Hue deployment on Oracle.

Oracle Instant Client for Hue Downloads
More Information

Cloudera customers

For all products installed through Cloudera Manager, you may use your license key to generate repository credentials. Please sign in to access the generator tool.

Partner downloads

Support of installation, setup, configuration, and use are provided by partners for any products below. Please see the product detail page for version detail.

Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL)

The fastest and most used math library for Intel and compatible processors.

Download Intel Math Kernal Library (MLK)

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